Susan Boyle an coming celebrity

The album is the largest ever global CD pre-order on online retailer, with sales reportedly in excess of 100,000, and is the bookmakers' favorites to top the British chart over the lucrative Christmas period.

"She's definitely one of the frontrunners for the Christmas number one spot," said Gennaro Castaldo, spokesman for Britain's HMV music retail chain.

Her main competition for the coveted slot comes from other stars of television talent contests like Leona Lewis, Cheryl Cole and JLS, he added.

Early reviews have been unfavorable, however, with the Times newspaper calling it "an uncomfortable package" in a two-out-of-five star review, the same rating as the Guardian.

one of the biggest stars of the Internet age, seeks to turn global celebrity into record sales next week with the release of her debut album "I Dreamed a Dream."